Great Homeschool Conventions – Missouri
St Charles Convention Center 1 Convention Center Plaza, St. Charles, MO, United StatesConvention
Demme Learning is proud to be an exhibitor at the GHC Homeschool Convention in Missouri
Whether you are new to homeschooling, a veteran homeschooler, considering taking the plunge, or just looking for practical ideas for your student conventions and virtual events like our round tables are great places to gain information to help you get the most out of your experience.
Throughout the year we host a variety of free virtual events and attend a number of conventions. Check back frequently as we add events often.
Demme Learning is proud to be an exhibitor at the GHC Homeschool Convention in Missouri
Free Virtual Event
Parental rights are integral to homeschooling and are important for many other issues. Join us for a discussion with Ethan Demme, CEO of Demme Learning and a board member of the Parental Rights Foundation, and Will Estrada, President of the Parental Rights foundation, as they discuss their homeschool experiences growing up and their continued commitment to supporting and defending parental rights.
Free Virtual Event
Parents often ask us how they are going to teach their children creative writing—especially when they don't feel successful with that process themselves. Join us for a practical conversation about how to foster a love of writing in your children and how to teach them the skill sets to help them thrive.
Demme Learning is proud to be an exhibitor at the CHEW Conference.
Demme Learning is proud to be an exhibitor at the GHC Homeschool Convention in South Carolina.
Free Virtual Event
Handwriting struggles take many forms, and parents often have a difficult time sorting concern from frustration. Join us for a conversation with Katie Webster Roe, OT, about ways to improve your child's handwriting, how to evaluate struggles, and how to create a game plan for success.
Free Virtual Event
Sometimes we forget that good journeys have endings. Homeschool moms often feel adrift when their journeys end. Join us for this important discussion about how to plan for your future now so that you can move from one phase of life to another with grace and joy.
Demme Learning is proud to be an exhibitor at the GHC Homeschool Convention in Ohio.
Free Virtual Event
Grammar is a subject many parents feel is boring and outdated, but we would like to change the conversation. You engage with your student grammatically every time you talk to them. Instead of considering grammar as something to dislike, what if you considered it a tool to help your student become a better writer? Join us for a lively conversation about using grammar effectively in your learning endeavors. We promise to take the sting out of the conversation.
Free Virtual Event
Empathy. It is so often lacking in our exchanges in society today. But how do you teach it to your children? The ability to understand and share in others’ feelings is something unique to the human experience. As parents, how do we foster the conversations that create a safe space to explore emotional intelligence and grow it within ourselves and our children? Join us for an insightful conversation with Heather Frommack, MS, RDN, CPTD. Heather is a veteran homeschooling mom of five awesome kids—by birth and international adoption. Her mission is to help normalize unity amidst diversity through the portals of empathy, Cultural Intelligence (CQ), and relationships. In her previous role as HSLDA’s Director of Outreach and Educational Consulting, she collaboratively built their first multicultural outreach program, which continues the work of cross-cultural bridge-building today. She shares from a biblical perspective, scholarly support, and humbled humor about how empathy and compassion can be created, nurtured, and fostered within your family and the greater community.
Demme Learning is proud to be an exhibitor at the MassHope Homeschool Convention.
Demme Learning is proud to be an exhibitor at the Christian Heritage Family Discipleship and Homeschooling Conference.