Teaching Boys: A Continued Discussion, with Dr. Vermelle Greene
Teaching Boys: A Continued Discussion, with Dr. Vermelle Greene
Free Virtual Event
One of our most popular guests in 2022 was Dr. Vermelle Greene, speaking about how boys view the world differently, and how our approaches need to be creative to parent them successfully. Dr. Greene has been an educator for more than 48 years (as a teacher and administrator from elementary through college levels). Founder of S.A.C.R.E.D. Life Academy for Boys, a Christian school in Capitol Heights, Maryland, embraces the idea that boys learn differently than girls. Author of Please Teach Me Like I’m a Boy!, Dr. Greene will join Gretchen for a continuation of our spring discussion of how homeschool parents can reach and teach their boys for the best possible outcomes. Register for this not-to-be-missed event. We promise you will be encouraged in your journey.