An Occupational Therapist Talks with Us About Handwriting [Show]

Demme Learning |

Handwriting struggles take many forms, and parents often have a difficult time sorting concern from frustration. Join us for a conversation with Katie Webster Roe, OT, about ways to improve your child’s handwriting, how to evaluate struggles, and how to create a game plan for success.

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Show Notes

Handwriting is a skill worth pursuing, regardless of the age of your student. The motor skills necessary for handwriting completion allow us to organize our brain and slot information properly into long-term memory. Keyboarding simply does not help us achieve the same recall results.

These articles will offer more information for you as you work on this skill in your household:

5 Reasons Writing By Hand Is Good For The Brain And For Well-Being
Here’s Why You Remember Things Better When You Write Them Down

Take advantage of a further conversation with Katie by reaching out to her on her website.

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