Never Forget: 5 Writing Prompts to Commemorate the 9/11 Events

Demme Learning |
The Tribute in Light art installation is visible in New York City to honor the 9/11 events.

Although students today don’t have their own memories of the 9/11 events, it’s important that they learn about that day and its long-term effects. One of the best ways to remember and recognize the immense impact of September 11, 2001, is to write about it. Here are five writing prompts that you can use to get your students to reflect on this American tragedy.

1. Ripple Effect

You may be too young to remember the 9/11 events, but you’re certainly not immune to their ripple effect. Write about how the September 11th attacks continue to affect all Americans—even those who have no memory of that day.

2. Heroes

The September 11th tragedy brought forth many heroes. Write about a hero or a heroic event that you have read about or observed in a documentary. If you need some inspiration, check out some of these hero stories:


7 Incredible Stories of Heroism on 9/11
Police Officer Moira Smith
Rick Rescorla Saved 2,687 Lives on September 11


The Firemen of 9/11; History Documentary (38:45)
The Town of Gander: Unlikely Hero of 9/11; Tom Brokaw (5:57)
9/11: The Man in the Red Bandanna; ESPN (13:40)

3. A Different World

Much has changed in the years since 9/11. The events of that day impacted not only the United States, but the world as a whole. Do you think the world is more or less vulnerable today than in 2001? How have our freedoms been impacted? Write a paragraph explaining your thoughts.

4. Through Their Eyes

Interview a parent, grandparent, or other adult who remembers the tragedy of September 11, 2001. Ask about where they were or what they were doing when they found out about the attacks. How did they react? What are their feelings about 9/11 today? Assemble their responses into an essay or poem.

5. Gratitude Is an Attitude

September 11th is a hard day to think about. As we honor those who lost their lives on this day in 2001, make a list of at least 10 things in your life that you are thankful for and provide a brief explanation why.

The 9/11 events are an emotional topic to cover, and having students complete thoughtful writing can be a great way to learn about them. By exploring a variety of writing formats, students can better understand the importance of this historical day.